Használati utasítás ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS GT11254455

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Töltse le a dokumentumot, ha az az Ön által keresett felhasználói kézikönyv, használati útmutató, brosúra vagy kapcsolási rajz. A Lastmanuals könnyű és gyors hozzáférést biztosít a(z) ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS GT11254455 kézikönyvéhez. Bízunk benne, hogy a(z) ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS GT11254455 alábbi felhasználói útmutatója hasznos lesz az Ön számára.

A Lastmanuals segít a(z) ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS GT11254455 kézikönyv letöltésében.

Mode d'emploi ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS GT11254455
Kézikönyv absztrakt: kezelési útmutató ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS GT11254455

Részletes információt az oldal használatáról a Felhasználói Kézikönyvben talál.

[. . . ] ACCU- HEK CCU-CHE BLOOD GLUCOSE METER ® Compact Plus Owner's Booklet Dear ACCU-CHEK® System Owner, Thank you for choosing the ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus system!Congratulations on your decision to take control of your diabetes. We've designed your new ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus system with comfort, convenience, and control in mind ­ to help make living with diabetes a little easier. This booklet will help you get the most from your ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus system. [. . . ] Touch and hold the blood drop to the black notch on the end of the test strip. When you have enough blood in the test strip, is displayed. You may pull your finger away when is displayed. Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 44 ACCU-CHEK Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Example 11. The on the display disappears and the test result is displayed in five seconds. 12. Hold the meter so the test strip points downward. This helps the test strip release to turn from the meter. Slide and release off the meter and release the test strip. 45 ACCU-CHEK Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar Running a Blood Sugar Test with Blood from Your Fingertip (continued) 13. To remove the lancet, take off the black cap by using your thumb and finger to pull on the recessed area. 14. Hold the meter so the lancet points downward. Press the plunger to release the lancet into a puncture-proof container. Snap on the black cap after lining up the notches. For more information about your test results, see Chapter 3, "Understanding Your Test Results. " Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 46 ACCU-CHEK Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Important Information About Running a Blood Sugar Test with Blood from Your Palm, Forearm, Upper Arm, Thigh, or Calf (non-fingertip testing) You have the option of testing other places on your body besides the fingertip. You can test the palm, forearm, upper arm, thigh, or calf. While fingertip blood can be tested at any time, there are times when testing from other places is not ideal--usually when your blood sugar is rapidly changing. Please read the following section before you try testing from other places. Important: · Talk to your doctor before you begin non-fingertip testing. Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 47 ACCU-CHEK Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 ! Do not change your treatment because of just one result. NEVER ignore symptoms of high or low blood sugar. If your blood sugar does not match how you feel, do a fingertip test to confirm your result. If the fingertip result still does not match how you feel, call your doctor. Tests from sites other than your fingertip may be done: · Immediately before a meal · Fasting Fingertip test only: · Two hours or less after eating · After exercising · If you are sick · If your blood sugar is low · If you often do not notice when your blood sugar is low · When basal insulin is most active · After injecting rapid-acting insulin (two hours or less) Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 48 ACCU-CHEK Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Preparing the ACCU-CHEK Softclix Plus Lancing Device for Non-Fingertip Testing ! Release Button Use a new lancet for each non-fingertip test to avoid infection and get a virtually pain-free test. Remember to use the clear cap to do a non-fingertip test. Remember, you can use your lancing device attached to the meter or unattached. 1. [. . . ] Except where prohibited by statute, all warranties covering the ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus system are voided by use of the ACCU-CHEK Compact Plus system with any test drums or test strips other than ACCU-CHEK Compact test drums or test strips. The ACCU-CHEK Softclix Plus lancing device and its use are protected by U. S. A license to use the ACCU-CHEK Softclix Plus lancing device is only granted when ACCU-CHEK Softclix lancets are used as a part of the ACCU-CHEK Softclix Plus lancing device. ACCU-CHEK Softclix lancets are high precision components that are produced to the close tolerances required for satisfactory operation with the ACCU-CHEK Softclix Plus lancing device. [. . . ]


A Lastmanuals lehetőséget biztosít a felhasználók számára, hogy azok egymás között megosszanak, tároljanak és kereshetővé tegyenek olyan dokumentumokat, amelyek készülékek és programok felhasználásával kapcsolatos adatokat tartalmaznak: használati útmutatókat, felhasználói kézikönyveket, műszaki leírásokat....
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Kattintson a szöveg végén lévő "Kézikönyv letöltése" hivatkozásra, ha elfogadja a feltételeket és a ACCU-CHEK COMPACT PLUS GT11254455 kézikönyv letöltése azonnal megkezdődik.

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