Használati utasítás AEG-ELECTROLUX DD8692-M

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A Lastmanuals segít a(z) AEG-ELECTROLUX DD8692-M kézikönyv letöltésében.

Mode d'emploi AEG-ELECTROLUX DD8692-M

Az alábbi, erre e termékre kiadott kézikönyveket is letöltheti:

   AEG-ELECTROLUX DD8692-M (748 ko)

Kézikönyv absztrakt: kezelési útmutató AEG-ELECTROLUX DD8692-M

Részletes információt az oldal használatáról a Felhasználói Kézikönyvben talál.

[. . . ] DD8692-M Kamin-Dunstabzugshaube Benutzerinformation Cappa a camino Libretto di istruzioni Canopy Hood Instruction Manual Hotte avec cheminée Manuel d'instructions Wasemkap met schouw Instructieboekje AUS ERFAHRUNG GUT Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, lesen Sie bitte diese Benutzerinformation sorgfältig durch. Beachten Sie vor allem den Abschnitt , , Sicherheit" auf den ersten Seiten. Bewahren Sie bitte diese Benutzerinformation zum späteren Nachschlagen auf. Geben Sie sie an eventuelle Nachbesitzer des Gerätes weiter. [. . . ] ATTENTION - There could be a possible fire hazard if the filters are not replaced according to these instructions. Lighting 1 - It consists of 2 20 W-halogen spotlights. 2 - Replacement Remove the two screws that lock the metal ring, take the spotlight out of its holder by pulling slightly. When replacing, make sure that both pins are well inserted in the holder seat. Special accessories Wall housing MKZ 125 External dimensions Wall aperture Outlet duct ABS 120 Ø 120 mm aluminium Outlet duct ABS 125 Ø 125 mm aluminium Serial no. 610 899 004 Height x width in mm 250 x 220 185 x 210 Serial no. 942 118 612 S07_28 39 Instructions for use Installation Instructions Safety warnings for the electrician Electrical connection Voltage 230 V ~ Connect using: a fixed power cable with a Schuko plug (European type) or a fixed connection (by an authorised electrician). Fixed connection Where a fixed connection is necessary, an authorised electrician, registered with the competent electrical authority, must carry out the work. For the installation, a single-pole switch with a minimum distance between the contacts of 3 mm must be used, to enable the appliance to be isolated from the mains. This function can be carried out, for example, by using automatic circuit breaker switches, fuses (the fuses should be removed from the fuse box), and contact breaker switches. · · · · Safety Warnings for the kitchen fitter · Minimum Distance from the hob When fitting the hood the following minimum distances from the upper edge of the cooking hob to the lower edge of the hood must be respected: electric hobs: 650 mm gas hobs: 650 mm coal /gas-oil cookers: 700 mm Air outlet For the air outlet the following regulations must be observed: The discharged air should not be directed into flues or outlet ducts for combustion gases. It is not permitted to direct the discharged air into a duct that is used for ventilation of areas in which combustion apparatus is installed. In case of the discharged air being emitted into a flue or outlet duct for combustion gases which is no longer used, it is recommended that you consult a competent heating engineer first. The hood can only operate at optimum efficiency if the following rules are respected: use short straight sections for the outlet duct. keep bends in the discharge ducting to a minimum. do not use ducts with sharp curves, use slightly curved sections. use large diameter ducts of large diameters where possible. Non adherence to these basic rules will compromise hood performance and increase the noise levels produced. · · · · · Air Inlet · A sufficiently large ventilation hole must be provided, of dimensions approximately equal to the outlet hole. 40 Instructions for use Operation of hoods and appliances connected to a chimney in the same room · Regional building regulations require that the use of hoods in rooms where combustion appliances are installed and connected to a chimney, for example coal, gas-oil, gas heaters, etc. , be subject to specific restrictions. The Regulations on combustion installations requires that these rooms must not exceed a maximum negative pressure of 0. 04 mbar. Safe use of hoods in conjunction with appliances connected to a chimney assumes that the area and/or the house (combined recirculation system) is ventilated from the exterior via an aperture of suitable dimensions, of approximately 500-600 cm2, in order to avoid negative pressure during the use of the hood. In case of doubt consult an authorised heating engineer or the local building authorities. In rooms where combustion appliances are not installed the following rule should be applied: "Ventilation hole of dimensions not exceeding those of the outlet hole", an aperture of dimensions exceeding 500-600 cm2 may compromise performance of the suction unit. · · · · Technical Specifications Working Dimensions Width Depth Height Power cable length 900 mm. 200 cm. Weight Connected power Total connected power Motor Lighting 19, 4 Kg 180 W 1 x 140 W 2 x 20 W 220 V ~ Voltage Discharge System Ø 120 mm /125 mm Directives, regulations, instructions This hood complies with the following European Directives: · EEC 73/23 dated 19. 02. 1973 (low voltages) · EEC 89/336 dated 03. 05. 1989 (electromagnetic compatibility, including the modification directive EEC 92/31) 41 Instructions for use Installation Fitting Materials / Accessories 1 connector flange Ø 120 mm F 1 reduction flange Ø 120-125 mm 1 side connector flange R 1 ventilator fixing bracket S 1 plastic guard D 1 cable clamp 3 dowels T 2 plastic caps Ø 11 mm 1 fitting support 1 transparent seal for chimney connection 4 canopy hood body/chimney fixing screws 2 O rings to hang the hood 1 screw V to fix the bracket to the wall 1 screw for fixing the bracket to the ventilator 2 screws 3. 5x9. 5 K to fix the fitting support Fitting Instructions 65 Ø 270 195 92 Ø 200 C 73 898 180 450 - 850 A 450 500 42 min. 650 Instructions for use Preparations for the outlet duct Before fitting the hood the fixing holes must be drilled and a hole must be made through the external wall for installation of the wall housing (air outlet/inlet). Preparations for the wall housing/Hole through the ceiling If cooking vapours are to be discharged into the open-air through the external wall, a telescopic wall housing must be used (available as a special accessory). For discharge System Ø 120 mm /125 mm: MKZ 125 ( with air outlet/inlet) Serial no. [. . . ] 2 - Demonteer het metalen deksel door de vier bevestigingsschroeven te ontschroeven (afb. 24). Verbind de aansluiting van de wasemkap met de aansluiting van de motorunit (afb. 25a). Plaats de verbindingspunten op de juiste wijze onder het deksel en trek de vier bevestigingsschroeven aan (afb. 25b). 3 - Nadat de elektrische aansluiting is uitgevoerd, gaat de verlichting, de aan- / uitschakeling van de motor en de snelheidsomstelling gecontroleerd. [. . . ]


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Kattintson a szöveg végén lévő "Kézikönyv letöltése" hivatkozásra, ha elfogadja a feltételeket és a AEG-ELECTROLUX DD8692-M kézikönyv letöltése azonnal megkezdődik.

Felhasználói kézikönyv keresése


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