Használati utasítás PACKARD BELL EN TK87

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A Lastmanuals segít a(z) PACKARD BELL EN TK87 kézikönyv letöltésében.

Mode d'emploi PACKARD BELL EN TK87

Az alábbi, erre e termékre kiadott kézikönyveket is letöltheti:

   PACKARD BELL EN TK87 (5216 ko)

Kézikönyv absztrakt: kezelési útmutató PACKARD BELL EN TK87

Részletes információt az oldal használatáról a Felhasználói Kézikönyvben talál.

[. . . ] To start testing quickly, you can also refer to the First Time Guide. If you have questions, we're here to help. Just call the PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center toll-free at 1-800-858-8072. We offer assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in many languages. [. . . ] Press the plunger on the lancing device (like a pen) ALL the way down until it stops. The lancing device is now ready for use. 7. Hold the lancing device against the side of your fingertip, then press and release the plunger. Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 43 PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Running a Blood Sugar Test with Blood from Your Fingertip (continued) 8. Gently squeeze your fingertip to get a drop of blood. 9. Hold the meter so the test strip points downward. Touch and hold the blood drop to the black notch on the end of the test strip. When you have enough blood in the test strip, is displayed. You may pull your finger away when is displayed. Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 44 PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Example 11. The on the display disappears and the test result is displayed in five seconds. 12. Hold the meter so the test strip points downward. This helps the test strip release to turn from the meter. Dial the depth setting to 3 for palm testing. Dial the depth setting to 5 1/ for forearm, upper arm, thigh, or calf testing. These are suggested settings, yours may differ. 2 Note: We suggest starting at a depth setting of 5 / 1 for forearm, upper arm, thigh, or calf testing, and 3 for palm testing. Once you run a successful test, you may want to find the lowest depth setting that provides enough blood with the least amount of pain. 2 Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 51 PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Running a Blood Sugar Test with Blood from a Non-Fingertip Site You will need your meter with a test drum loaded, the PACKARD BELL Softclix Plus lancing device, a lancet, and the clear cap from your kit. Wash your hands with warm soapy water and dry. To make sure the display is working properly, turn off the meter, then press and hold M to see the complete display. All the sections should be clear and should look exactly like the display as shown below. If not, call the PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center at 1-800-858-8072. 1. The meter turns on and briefly shows symbols on the display. 52 PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Chapter 3: Testing Your Blood Sugar 3. A test strip automatically advances. 4. [. . . ] Use of other test strips or test drums with unmatched bar codes or even with a matched bar code supplied by another manufacturer may prevent or impair the proper function of the PACKARD BELL Compact Plus system. Chapter 6: Technical Information 88 PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072 Using the PACKARD BELL Compact Plus system indicates your acceptance of the restricted license to use the PACKARD BELL Compact Plus system only with PACKARD BELL Compact test drums and test strips. Further, if you have purchased an PACKARD BELL Compact Plus monitoring kit or an PACKARD BELL Compact Plus meter that includes this restricted license, then this restricted license applies regardless of any additional offers found in PACKARD BELL Compact Plus meter or PACKARD BELL Compact test drum packages. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the restricted license, you may return, at the place of purchase, the unused PACKARD BELL Compact Plus system for a full refund. If you have any questions, please call the PACKARD BELL Customer Care Service Center at 1-800-858-8072. [. . . ]


A Lastmanuals lehetőséget biztosít a felhasználók számára, hogy azok egymás között megosszanak, tároljanak és kereshetővé tegyenek olyan dokumentumokat, amelyek készülékek és programok felhasználásával kapcsolatos adatokat tartalmaznak: használati útmutatókat, felhasználói kézikönyveket, műszaki leírásokat....
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Kattintson a szöveg végén lévő "Kézikönyv letöltése" hivatkozásra, ha elfogadja a feltételeket és a PACKARD BELL EN TK87 kézikönyv letöltése azonnal megkezdődik.

Felhasználói kézikönyv keresése


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